West Dunbartonshire
Strategic Skills & Support Pipeline
ASH Scotland
0131 225 4725
Looking to take action on smoking and health
Contact us by phone or email
ASH Scotland
8 Frederick Street
Edinburgh EH2 2HB
Contact us for more information
Quit smoking, Health
ASH Scotland works in a number of different ways to bring about a healthier Scotland, free from the harm and inequality caused by tobacco:
we co-ordinate the Scottish Tobacco-free Alliance, which arranges events, briefings and updates to enable public health actors to work together on tobacco
we operate a free information service, supplying information about tobacco and health
we join with youth groups and other organisations supporting families and young people in rejecting tobacco
we conduct research and campaign for political action
we work to address the strong links between smoking and mental health
we tackle inequalities through addressing tobacco use in disadvantaged communities
our professional and highly skilled staff are also able to deliver on a wide range of commissioned work.